
The benefits of Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal is a safe, virtually painless method of removing unwanted hair and is suitable for most areas of the face and body. The perfect solution to unwanted hair on the face, bikini, under arms, legs, chest, breast and buttocks with perfect results. The treatment will leave your skin looking and feeling endlessly smooth and clean.
The Consultation – what to expect
Our Skin Consultants are friendly and sympathetic and will provide helpful detailed information on the laser hair removal treatment during your Consultation and answer any questions you may have. She will recommend a course of treatments to your individual requirements (all members of staff are female). If you wish to go ahead with the treatment, she will book you in for the skin Test Patch which can usually be carried out immediately after your consultation. Our laser hair removal for women treatment has been approved by our Medical Expert. Whatever your personal requirements may be, we can provide the leading experts, techniques, products and facilities for your treatment.


The Treatment – what to expect
When you come to see us for your first treatment, the Laser Specialist will fully explain the procedure to you, ensure you are comfortable and provide you with goggles to protect your eyes. Cooling gel will be applied to the treatment area to soothe the skin before the pulses of light are applied with the sapphire crystal. There may be a little light stinging or tingling felt during the treatment, which most people find bearable if they feel anything at all. The time the treatment takes depends on the area being treated. The treatment is fast and an area such as the upper lip may take just a couple of minutes whereas full legs can take about 1 hour. You may not see any result on the day of the treatment but can expect to see the hairs clearing as you have more treatments as the treatment results are accumulative. The frequency of treatment is usually 4 to 6 weeks.

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The Laser Treatment Clinic uses the industry leading combination of advanced LTC Intense Pulsed Light system and advanced LTC Laser system. In this sophisticated technology a laser light is applied to the surface of the skin. The energy of the laser light travels harmlessly through the epidermis and dermis until it strikes the melanin in the hair follicle. The melanin absorbs the light and rises slowly in temperature, destroying the hair-producing cells surrounding the follicle. Because the heat is not sustained, however, no damage occurs outside the follicle area.
The skin may appear pink, red and/or swollen immediately afterwards, however this should reduce over 24 hours. We recommend you have tan free (real or fake) healthy skin on the area you wish to have treatment and protect your skin by using sunscreen with an SPF of 40 or higher
We ask that you cut, shave to remove the hairs on the area you are having the treatment for more effective results. We do not recommend waxing, plucking or threading as that will remove the hairs from the hair follicle that we are targeting. In-between 6 and 8 treatments are normally required.
The treatment works best on darker hair which contains more melanin, such as dark blond, light brown, brown and black hair. The treatment is not as effective on red, blond, white or grey hair, due to the low melanin.

Treatments are from £20 with 6-10 treatments advised depending on hair assessment



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