

Years of consuming coffee, tea and other items gradually causes youthful white teeth to discolour.

Professional tooth whitening can help you bring back your bright, youthful smile. Professional tooth whitening has been shown to be a safe and effective way for millions of people to obtain a whiter, brighter smile.

Thanks to technological advancement, that elusive Hollywood smile which was once the preserve of the rich and famous is now available and affordable to us all!  We use only high grade non peroxide dental products to guarantee the best results every time with no enamel damage.


How does laser teeth whitening work?

This procedure is only carried out by a professionally qualified Smile Therapist. The whitening gel is applied to your teeth then activated by a laser light. This enables the gel to swiftly penetrate the enamel.

The surface of the teeth contains millions of microscopic pores, and over the years, organic compounds from food, fizzy drinks, tea, coffee or tobacco penetrate these pores causing discoloration of the tooth enamel. Almost all natural teeth respond to the whitening process, however some people’s teeth take longer to whiten such as those with tetracycline antibiotic staining.

Does teeth whitening damage the enamel of the teeth?

Research shows there is no risk to the enamel of the teeth.

Does whitening work on veneers, crowns, bridges and fillings?

The whitening procedure will not whiten crowns, veneers, bridges or fillings however they will be restored to their original colour.

What to expect during teeth whitening treatment

Most people find the procedure painless, however a small percentage may experience temporary sensitivity to hot and cold for 24-48 hours following treatment.

Each application takes 10 minutes, with a full treatment consisting of three to four 10 minute applications, so it really is possible to achieve dramatic results of up to ten shades lighter in your lunch hour!

How long will the results last?

This depends on how you take care of your teeth.You will be given full after care advice by your consultant. The Beyond laser light procedure will stay noticeably whiter for 18-24 months, however a 20 minute top up treatment every 6-12 months will maintain that dazzling smile.

How much does teeth whitening cost?

Teeth whitening treatment costs only £69. To arrange a free consultation for more details call SANDY you Smile Technician on

01260408289 / 07933096733



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