
Laser Room operates a Q Switched ND:YAG laser the latest technology in tattoo removal. The treatment is ideal for those who wish to remove a tattoo or just wish to reduce it enough to have other work done. Our male and female operators have been trained to the highest standards holding level 4 qualifications in Aesthetic Lasers and up to date Core of Knowledge.
Laser is a single wavelength of light that is concentrated into an intense beam of energy. When irradiated on the skin, the laser energy is absorbed by skin pigment and converted to heat energy.
The laser generates short pulses of high powered light. These are absorbed by the ink, which causes it to shatter and break down into smaller particles. This then enables your natural immune defenses to absorb and disperse the ink. A gradual fading of the tattoo occurs over a series of treatments.
The number of treatments depends on a number of factors such as the density, the colour and the age of the tattoo. Amateur tattoos can be quick to remove, taking 1 to 6 sessions, whereas professional tattoos vary considerably and can take between 6 and 14. Treatments are spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart with each depending on the individual clients healing time. The cost ranges from £20 per session depending on the size of the tattoo.
Prior to commencing treatment you will be given a full consultation and patch test by one of our fully qualified laser technicians. The patch test determines how well the light is being absorbed, what parameters we need to use for full treatment and how the skin reacts. It also gives the client an idea of how the full treatment will feel. The consultation and patch test are absolutely free.




 R20 Tattoo Removal method explained
The new technique used for laser tattoo removal called the ‘R20 method’. Dr. Theodora Kassida in Greece came up with this new technique which involves: multiple passes over the tattoo during one session, instead of making just one laser pass over the same tattoo, during each visit; with the R20 method, multiple passes are made over the same tattoo with a 20 minute interval between each pass.
The main purpose is to clear out the ink and get rid of unwanted tattoos in much less time, i.e. shortening the time needed to get rid of a tattoo by a greater amount. Since there will be many questions and maybe some misunderstanding regarding this new method, please read the following FAQ’s to clear up any confusion.
Q: Is the R20 a new laser?
A: No. The R20 is a method used. It is simply just a new technique. It is not a new laser!
Q: How many passes can be done over the tattoo?
A: With 3 passes there was more damage to the epidermis (temporary swelling, bruising, redness, blistering etc.) this is a perfectly normal reaction for the skin to have but can be more severe than what you could expect using the conventional method. We monitor immediate skin reaction closely during and after each pass. How many passes in one session is based upon what kind of reaction we see. If we feel that just 2 passes are viable, due to a continued observation of your skin and we decide 3 passes is enough then please accept our professional opinion.
Q: I have colours in my tattoo. Can the R20 method still be used?
A: Colours in a tattoo can make the process a little more difficult, no matter which methods are used we always urge our clients to be aware that it can take longer for removal of coloured tattoos.
Q: Does it hurt more with each laser pass over the tattoo?
A: No. Most clients suggest that the sensation is the same or even less with each pass.
Q: What is the cost?
A: You will be charged for 2 passes instead of 3. Therefore your tattoo will go quicker with less damage to your pocket.
Please feel free to book a free consultation to see if the R20 method is right for you.



Frequently Asked Questions – Tattoo Removal Treatment
How does the laser tattoo removal treatment work?
Leading dermatologist and plastic surgeons regard the ND:YAG laser as the superior method for tattoo removal. Tattoo’s stay under the skin as the ink particles are too large for the body’s immune system to remove. The laser passes a short pulse of high energy light though the skin and breaks up the ink particles. The body’s immune system is then able to remove the ink particles naturally. This is a gradual process and several treatments will be needed.
Are all Tattoo Removal Lasers the same?
NO – Active Q Switched is the safest and best type of laser which will give the best results. The laser should be from a reputable company that manufacture to FDA standards.
Does it hurt?
The treatment is uncomfortable; a popular description is it like being pinged with a warm elastic band.
How much does it cost?
The cost of each session depends on the size and colour of the tattoo. Prices start from £20 per session. Please feel free to come in and we will be able to give you a price per session once we have seen your tattoo. Patch tests and consultations are absolutely free
How many sessions will be required?
This is dependent on the actual tattoo and whether you wish to completely remove it or just dull it down to enable a successful cover-up. Tattoos that are old and faded will be much easier and quicker to remove than a newer black or multi-coloured tattoo. Anything from 4 To 20.
Can any tattoo be removed?
Unfortunately complete removal can never be guaranteed. Some colours are harder to remove than others and we will be able discuss the expected outcome during the initial consultation with you.
Are there any after-affects to the laser treatment?
Redness and swelling may occur, similar to sunburn. This settles within a few days. Some patients may blister, which is quite normal. Blistering does not require treatment and will usually clear within days. You will receive written aftercare following your treatment. The treated area should not be exposed to sunlight between sessions without the use of sunblock (SPF 50)
Does the laser treatment leave any scars?
Generally speaking, laser removal does not cause scarring and the active Q switched laser which we use is designed with this in mind. Sometimes the original tattoo will have caused scar tissue which will become noticeable when the tattoo pigment is removed and we can advise as to this situation prior to removal. Very occasionally, mild changes in skin texture and colour may occur. There can be a change in pigment colour which usually returns to normal after 6 – 12 months. The main causes of scarring are unprotected sun exposure and picking. Both are to be avoided throughout your treatments
Is everyone suitable for laser treatment?
No. There are some medical conditions that mean you may not be treated. A full consultation will be undertaken before any laser treatment and we will be able to discuss any concerns you have. There is also skin colour to take in to account. The ND:YAG Q-Switch laser is not suitable for skin types 4 and above.
Can I have just part of the tattoo removed?
Yes, our laser is very accurate. You can choose specific parts of the tattoo for removal i.e. we can remove text from a design or remove misspelt letters etc.
How long does each session take?
Treatment can take between 5 and 45 minutes. Longer sessions could cause too much trauma to the skin so are not recommended. This means that larger tattoos need to be treated in several separate sittings.
Can I schedule to come back sooner than 4 weeks?
No. The targeted ink takes time to break down and be removed by the body. Visits are scheduled between 4 and 6 weeks apart to allow the body to absorb and dissolve the disrupted ink.
Am I suitable for treatment?
Certain medical conditions and medications would make exposure to the laser treatment dangerous to you.



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